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Merry Christmas!

Good Morning everybody and Merry Christmas! It is my favorite day of the year! There's just so much joy waking up on Christmas morning! I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and share what we'll be doing for Christmas! Joey and I hosted our first Christmas Eve last night and it was so fun! Joey's sister always does something with her husband's family so we had his parents over and had a big Italian dinner (what else?). Joey and I also carried on my family's tradition of getting Christmas jammies so we exchanged those and we both did so well! I got him pajama pants that had a bunch of Marvel characters on them and he got me jammies that had kitties on the pants! They were like pants versions of the kitty shorts I got for jammies last year! Normally we go to my parents' house for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning but we both had to work on Christmas Eve. We didn't want to drive 2 hours and only be there for less than 24 hours so we decided to stay home and we'll see my family this weekend for Christmas. I'm struggling a little bit with not being home for Christmas because I have never not been home for Christmas morning. I know with neither my sister or me being there for Christmas morning, my parents are sad but we're going to recreate Christmas this weekend so I'm looking forward to that.

My sister is also due tomorrow! I kind of hope my niece comes when we're there this weekend but we'll see! This morning Joey and I are just relaxing, opening presents, making breakfast and just enjoying our first married Christmas before going to his parents' house for dinner with his family :) I hope you all have a day filled with joy, laughter, love and a whole lot of Jesus!

Christmas 2017

Snuggled up after exchanging jammies

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!



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