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Our Mini-Moon

Hello my lovely followers! I hope you guys have had a great week! This weekend Joey and I have a wedding to go to and we're super excited! This is our first wedding as a married couple! It's going to be weird now going to weddings and not thinking about planning my own! Joey and I have been to like 10 weddings together in the past 2 years and it's so wonderful! I love love!

Today I'm going to be sharing with you guys the deets of our mini-moon to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Now, I already told you guys we didn't want to take a huge trip after our wedding because I knew we would be exhausted (especially since we got married in another state...the best state in my opinion). I also don't do well with change and there has been TONS of change so this was perfect for us. I think we'll probably go somewhere in the Caribbean for our big honeymoon. I like to travel but it gives me so much anxiety, especially flying so I don't like to go too far.

Rehoboth is one of my favorite beaches to go to. I like it much more than Ocean City Maryland or New Jersey. It is much more family oriented, calmer, and cleaner which made it the perfect honeymoon spot. It's also closer to us than either of those two. Only about 2 and a half hours.

We stayed at this adorable little Inn in Rehoboth called the Canalside Inn. Oh my gosh, it was so nice! Each room kind of had a color scheme and it was so beachy. It was also adults only and in a residential neighborhood so it was very quiet and relaxing.

I have a funny story to share about how we started off our mini-moon. When we got to Rehoboth, it was too early to check into our hotel so we went to lunch. Prior to lunch we got a parking permit so we could park on all unmetered streets. We went to lunch not realizing the permit said UNMETERED streets and we had parked on the main street which is metered. We came back from lunch to a pretty hefty parking ticket. Needless to say, we were so mad at ourselves for not realizing what it said on the permit but it makes a good story now.

We went to this super cute mini-golf place that night called "Shell We Golf" and it was so tropical and fun! I was creaming Joey for most of the game but he came back to beat me by a few strokes.

The second day we were there, we went to the beach off of one of the residential streets so it was much quieter and less crowded. Joey got sunburned a few days prior when we went to our pool so he kind of became a lobster after the beach even though he applied sunscreen 3 times that day! I was proud of myself and only got burned on my eyelids...which is a weird place to burn..but it happens.

That night we went to a restaurant by Dogfish Head the brewing company. It was in downtown Rehoboth which we realized was only about 1/2 a mile from our hotel so we walked pretty much everywhere and that included to dinner. The food was amazing and Joey got a white ale that was so good! After dinner we took a 20 minute drive south to Bethany Beach which is another small but adorable beach town in Delaware and just took a stroll through the shops. Later that night we went back to downtown Rehoboth and we found a shop that made both regular and vegan ice cream so I could have it! It's called Sweet Charlie's and it's a rolled ice cream shop. It was so cool and we found out the founder of the store has a location in Center City Philly so we were super excited that there was one near us! I got the S'mores flavor and it was absolutely amazing!

On Friday, since Joey was so sunburned, we decided the beach wasn't a good idea and we rented bikes for half the day instead. We biked almost 10 miles that day! We definitely got tons of exercise on our mini-moon. We went all throughout Rehoboth, stopped for souvenirs, and went to a super cute fish and chips restaurant that was England themed. It was adorable. For dinner, we went to Blackwall Hitch, the restaurant that I had my bridal shower at! They have a location in Rehoboth and the food was so good! It was a nice night to dress up and go to a fancier dinner (since it was our last night). We people watched on the boardwalk after and enjoyed the ocean breeze. It was a great end to our mini-moon. It was so nice to have beautiful weather the entire time we were there since our wedding day was such a wash out. It was awesome just being able to spend time with my husband just the two of us.

Hope you guys enjoyed my mini-moon recap! I hope you all have a great week! I'll be doing some posts on my mini-moon outfits soon!



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