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Our Engagement

Hey y'all! As my wedding gets closer and closer, I find myself reflecting on our engagement and I thought I would share our engagement story with y'all! So that's what I'm going to do today. It was one of the most magical moments of my life and the scene was like one from a movie!

Our engagement was a long time coming. He told me that by the end of the summer, he was going to propose so I had a ballpark idea of when it was going to happen. But as the summer was coming to a close and I was about to head back to Messiah, I was starting to lose hope.

Joey was planning on coming to my house that weekend and we would be moving me into my apartment at Messiah for my Senior year. So I was expecting to see him that weekend. On the Wednesday before he was supposed to come down, he planned a gorgeous proposal with my mom and sister. My birthday was the next week so my mom told me that she and my sister were going to be taking me an early birthday scavenger hunt which wasn't a super crazy idea because Corynne had just done a scavenger hunt for her boyfriend a couple of weeks before.

So my mom told me to dress nicely because the last stop on the scavenger hunt was going to be a nice place. They timed the proposal down to the the sunset so we had to leave at a specific time. My mom drove me and had me close my eyes at a certain point so I couldn't see where we were going and figure it out. When we got there my mom had me get out, still keeping my eyes closed, and guided me to a spot where I opened my eyes and Joey was standing there. I was so surprised just because I wasn't planning to see him until 2 days later. I was so excited but I still hadn't put together that he would be proposing. I just thought he was there to deliver a clue and be a little surprise. Silly me.

It wasn't until I saw my sister running ahead to take photos that I figured out what was coming and I immediately got so nervous! Joey led me down to the beach where he and Corynne had set up a little path of mason jars with twinkle lights inside them. We got the the end of the path and I started to cry because the moment I had been waiting for for months and months had finally arrived. I don't even remember what he said to me and all I could think about was how happy I was. The love of my life was asking me to make the biggest commitment there is and I was ready to jump in wholeheartedly! It seriously was the most magical moment of my life. The setting was beautiful and so romantic. You could see the Chesapeake Bay Bridge from the beach and there was a cool breeze coming off the bay. You couldn't have scripted such a gorgeous night. I was very clear that I did not want him to propose in front of a mass of people or in public because I wanted it to be very intimate and something only we could share in. He did that perfectly.

Joey later told me he was originally planning on proposing a week and a half earlier on August 13th at a completely different location but he had gotten a call that my ring hadn't come in yet so he wasn't able to. As soon as he was able to pick it up, he set the proposal plans in motion. I'm so glad it happened when and where it did because it was absolutely perfect and I wouldn't change it for the world.

And the RING!!! I am so in love with my ring. We went ring shopping a few months before and I showed him exactly what I liked so he wouldn't have questions. I found this Zac Posen ring that I fell in love with just because it was so unique! I didn't want a boring, cookie cutter ring. I absolutely did not want a solitaire ring, that just wasn't enough sparkle for me. Zac Posen's line of rings has a vintage look and a lot of floral accents. My ring looks like a flower which is my favorite part. Along the inside of the band, there is a yellow gold band that is hidden but it's there to represent purity and I absolutely loved that!! He did so well and I think my ring is the perfect one for me :)

Anxiously waiting

The ugly cry

Joey and my engagement story is one of my favorites to tell. I am beyond blessed to be marrying such a gem of a man.

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Dress (dupe): Lulu's

Shoes (dupe): Glik's

Earrings (dupe): Icing

I'll see yall next week!



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